


  • 萌神の骚狐狸:You may have no idea only use twenty hundred thousand to win five point seven eight million, is what kind of man. We often only use two words to describe this kind of person, gambling monster!!! I often say that once Chen Daozai can only use 20 bucks to win 37 million, I Lubenwei, winning 5 million with 20 bucks is not a problem. These cards don’t need to grab. She’s already dead. Come back with a super double, we got fortune in silence. She also super doubles, but don’t be afraid. Her cards can’t defeat me. 5678910, two bombs, awesome these cards. If the K replaces to Jack, the card is going to be legendary, but I can’t. Go with a single six, silly B. Auntie, play a two, show us something. Auntie, auntie don’t you have a two? Hurry up, whatever. 5678910. Now let’s treat auntie a cup of tea. Treat auntie a cup of cappuccino, Treat auntie a cup of cappuccino, start your bomb show, start your bomb show, hit in, hit in. NICE! seventeen cards you can defeat me?
  • ID好南取:Wdnmd[滑稽] 意思是我带你们打,充分表达了茄子的自信[滑稽][滑稽][滑稽][滑稽]
  • 笑の缺牙仔:三分钟的视频lbw占了两分钟就nm离谱
  • 御坂19850号:柜子动了那是什么?
  • 那年很逆天:衣带渐宽终不悔,伞兵一号卢本伟