


  • -西西里的木偶戏-:①wear down 使筋疲力尽 The pressure at home and at work was wearing her down. 家庭和工作上的压力使她筋疲力尽。 ②pick out 挑选 ③pick…to pieces 把…批评得体无完肤,对…大加挑剔 The media picked his personal life to pieces. 媒体对他的私生活大加挑剔。 ④关于衣服的表达: sweater毛衣 hoodie帽衫 cardigan开衫毛衣 jacket夹克 trench coat风衣 blazer休闲西装 ⑤tuck v.塞进, 挤进 ⑥khakis n.卡其裤
  • 马_小_盒:The first time I got invited to a party, I was asking my dad, “what should I wear?” And he helped me pick out an outfit, and then I went, and I realized that I was dressed the way my dad would be dressed at a party. Everybody else was in jeans and T-shirts, I was, like, with a sweater tucked into khakis. wear down 使…筋疲力尽,衰弱 e.g. The pressure at home and at work was wearing her down. pick out 挑出;选出;拣出;If you pick out someone or something, you choose them from a group of people or things. pick…to pieces把…批评的体无完肤,贬的一文不值 e.g. The media picked his personal life to pieces. sweater 毛衣 hoodie 帽衫 cardigan 开衫毛衣 jacket 夹克 trench coat 风衣 blazer 休闲西装 khakis 卡其裤 tuck to push something, especially the edge of a piece of cloth or paper, into or behind something so that it looks tidier or stays in place把〔布或纸张的边缘〕塞进〔某处〕 tuck sth into / under / behind etc sth She tucked an unruly lock of hair behind her ear.她把一缕不听话的头发撩到耳后。
  • 涩谷香音_official:这次听懂了百分之95诶
  • o清醒的人最糊涂o:今天的好像简单一点
  • 看似很正经的零某人:第一,想不出来骚话,还想上热评[脱单doge]
