1.Kids vocabulary - Sea Animals - Learn English for kids - English educational v-57集动画:英语词汇1000



  • Natsu-Chan6688:看的津津有味,[捂脸]一把年纪了,英语启蒙水平
  • 指北星_Triones:每天看一集,开始大学生的英语启蒙教育?[OK]
  • 19501384838_bili:my name is starfish, let me introduce you to my friend, come with me. A turtle move fast in the sea, A jellyfish has a see-through body, A squid has 10 legs, oh,this is octopus ,an octopus has eight legs, A shrimp has bend body, A seahorse swims in an upright position, A clam has hard shares, Wow,the wings of a manta ray are really huge, A crab is walking sideways, A seal is enjoy in the sunshine, A flying fish jumps in the air, Dolphines are very smart, when a whale breathes out, it spells out water like a felting, A shark have sharp teeth, what's this fun?did you have fun meeting my friends?next time please intrudoce me to your friends!
  • nmwoo:27岁老阿姨仍停留在启蒙阶段[笑哭][笑哭]
  • 逆水行舟000:[囧][囧]年纪大了,才发现原来是英语启蒙水平[疼]