


  • 网课加TGWKXD哦:刚高考完,挺认可这个up主说的,高二的时候成绩不是很理想,想提高分 ,尝试了各种方法以后,效果甚微,我知道我不能这样了,我没有时间了,所以我把所有的精力都放在英语上,众所周知英语是最好提分的学科,所以我在我朋友那要了一个课单词突围,真的巨牛逼,先把3500背完刚开始才考六七十,直接冲到一百一,虽然不是很高,但也是真实经历了,如果有需要的可以si我一下,我也想帮助一下想考高分但又怕来不及的同学。课在龚[tv_抠鼻]众众号号(天哥终身学习)
  • 只此青绿___:【置顶】Text 1 W:I just bought this book in the sales. I paid only $ 18 for it,$ 6 off its original price. M:It's really a bargain, but Tony bought the same book for just half the original price at another store. Text 2 W:Have you heard anything about our new English teacher? People say she is very bright. M: Well,I heard from her former students that she has great ways of teaching English. They learned a lot from her classes. Text 3 M:Is it hot today? M: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain and cool off. M:Me too. This is unusual in March. I don’t remember it being so hot and dry in March before. Text 4 W:Excuse me,I really need this book for my research. Can I check it out, please? M:Sorry,books in this section cannot be borrowed. But I can find a similar book for you. W:That's great! Thanks! Text 5 W:Hey Michael. Where are you going? M:Nowhere special. I was just taking a walk to get a little exercise. I'm gaining weight.
  • 桑易安:听力正式开始 2:36
  • 李子ability:个人感觉难度不大。刚刚听、每个材料只听一遍,一点五倍速,全对。发音比普通联考好很多,材料简单易懂。还不错
  • 美食的迷人:gain weight不是增重吗?