The True Story of WrestleMania-回顾历史,关于摔角狂热的真实故事



  • HEAT9527:The True Story of WrestleMania Welcome to WrestleMania The beginning of a phenomenon A sequel like no other Bigger, Better, Badder! The match that influenced a generation Battle of the Billionaires WrestleMania comes to Atlantic City WrestleMania goes international Hulkamania and WrestleMania go hand in hand An emotional battle takes center stage A chance for a dream match Don't forget to bring your toga WrestleMania returns home Axxess granted Preserving history with the Hall of Fame Lawrence Taylor shocks the world A new generation of Superstars The Baddest Man on the Planet Celebrities join in on the fun WrestleMania in the new millennium A seismic shift takes place Mr. WrestleMania Back to stadiums The chance to live out a dream WrestleMania takes over the Citrus Bowl Preparing for WrestleMania Two legends in a battle for the ages The Streak The legacy of WrestleMania