不可抗力_x264-【RaJor】【原创曲】不可抗力 Force Majeure



  • 小宇Cosmos:滴滴滴,作曲编曲打卡(੭‾᷄㉨‾᷅)੭ 酷炫PV和绝美唱腔我又可以了! 丁丁到底会多少外语!(=・ω・=)
  • 林白鹊:词作打卡!表白神仙制作组感谢四小带阿鹊这条咸鱼玩,2019感恩有你们[大哭]德语念白大意“唯有爱能成就完整的灵魂”(灵感来源于《朗读者》)
  • 修如:我来了!!!!国际丁实锤!!!
  • 不吃姜的灰兔:Force Majeure/不可抗力 作曲 : 小宇Cosmos 作词 : 林白鹊 演唱:RaJor Fading away in the night the city all out of light Turn on the innate wild and free it just from inside So come on and acquire the love following Chomsky’s step Rum and beating ice cube strike the lonely soul my eyes are on you goes through a hundred miles something irresistible ——M—— Falling down in the night the dreams all out of tight if you’re tired of romance plot then find it just from inside So come on and acquire the love following Chomsky’s step Rum and beating ice cube strike the lonely soul my eyes are on you falls on the grass like dew something inevitable wo-oo-oo-oop wo-oo-oo-oo wo-oo-oo-oop wo-oo-oo-oo wo-oo-oo-oop Cuz wo-oo-oo it’s force majeure something inevitable ——— Es gibt ein Wort, das Sie kennen sollten. Nur eine Sache kann eine Seele komplett machen und das Wort ist Liebe ——— wo-oo-oo-oop cuz wo-oo-oo it’s force majeure something irresistible wo-oo-oo-oop cuz wo-oo-oo it’s force majeure something inevitable ——
  • 居尔厄:看你们都把丁宝夸完了[吃瓜],那我就来夸夸pv吧!这种风格也太好看了吧!![打call]