正片-【Glitchtale二周年重置版】'Megalomaniac' Re-Animated (作者:Camila Cuev



  • 是受骨不是秀骨:两个作者同画一个动画…… 难不成其中有什么不可告人的秘♂密(滑稽)
  • 屏幕另一边迷云:本视频是由两位作者合作完成的Glitchtale第一季第一集重置版,庆祝Glitchtale两周年www 原版:av7374361 福战部分,Jael Peñaloza,代表作是Underverse(cross亲妈) 猹战部分,super youmna,代表作是Othertale(av20016337) 两个部分分界线大家自己找啦~很容易滴
  • Underpony:什么吗!这个做的也太差了吧!怎么这么没良心啊! 播放量后面少了个零!看不出来吗!
  • 三岁就得中二病:什么玩家的锅?你们不知道背景吗?这个au没有玩家控制,一切都是Frisk的自身意志!知道的把我顶上来,让萌新看看,麻烦先看完au再说好不好(au名:差错之下)
  • 橘尔喵:Listen and hear a song the birds are singing. Sitting down a while and watch the flowers blooming.A plesant breeze flows by ...leaving a trail of dust.This...is...your...fault...right ? Standing in the corridor.Who thought we'd be here like this together ? On a gorgeous day like this, I ask ? What is it that you want ? I believe there was a time.Where we could be pals and things were better.Eating bad food , enjoying laughs...Can we go back to that ? If you're in there listening , kid...Just reset the time line.And let's please forget all of this.Even after what you did he believed in you.'til the end.Looking at your face right now.That expression tells me.I can't afford not to care anymore.Turn this patch around , wipe your dirty hands clean. Give Up ! Please don't come back.If you're my friend.Please...Listen and hear a song the birds are singing.Sitting down a while and watch the flowers blooming.A plesant breeze flows by leaving a trail of.How could you have done this ?