思想犯(新)-【英文版全站首翻!】Thought Crime(思想犯)弦卷真纪ver【cover ヨルシカ&Rachie】



  • 风早Rinka_Channel:歌词: Somebody like yourself, true and kind 像你这样待人真诚友好的人 would never understand this aching heart of mine 永远不会理解我内心的苦痛 Cursing other people yes is what I do best, and so I 诅咒他人是我最拿手的事 Write songs to pass the time 所以我才写着诗歌打发时间 I’ve always dreamed of being on TV 我一直梦想着上电视 To hear the audience lovingly praise me 听到观众们对我赞不绝口 For now I guess I’ll make this knife sharp as can be 但目前我正在想如何尽力将这把刀磨得更锋利些 Hear the crash of glass being pounded at 听到了玻璃被打碎的声音 The tearing noise of a sheet of paper torn to shreds 也听到了一张纸被撕碎的声音 And the setting sun after “goodbye” is said 还有这分别之后的残阳 is just so lovely… 是多么的美丽啊...... Even that much is plain to see! 即使再多也是显而易见的吧 The birds cry out their song in the sunset 鸟儿在黄昏时引吭高歌 This empty ache I feel starts to sing a swan song too 我感觉到这空虚的疼痛迫使我也开始了绝唱 And yet you linger still in the shadows 而你仍踌躇于阴影之中 Standing on your toes, sky a flaming red hue 踮起脚尖,晚霞连天 Slipping off my tongue, was my goodbye to you 一不小心说漏了嘴,那是我对你的道别
  • 所以能做些奇怪的事吗:越来越多人喜欢夜鹿了真的好开心啊!
  • 加油加油噢小橘猫:我超,看标题我还以为yrsk像yoasobi一样走向国际了呢,都有官英了[笑哭]
  • Murata徐伦:好耶!超喜欢夜鹿的歌但是不会日语,这下可以唱你的英语版本了[给心心][给心心][给心心]
  • Y777_:英文好评!!!好听!!