C&C Red Alert 2 Mental Omega 1.2 - Skirmish with Cuba-C&C Red Alert 2 Mental Omega 1.2 - Skirmish with Cuba



  • 小力儿:最近正着手写一部红警小说《红警之苏联再起》,希望红警玩家朋友们能指点指点我。
  • proselyte:听到了一句at your service commander,莫非骑士坦克语音从这儿来的?
  • 东风谷级战列舰:当时看这个的时候网络不好卡的要死,结果看着看着就困了,从下午就开始睡,起来就忘了。
  • 胡莱人形:Mental Omega 1.2, this is a real piece of history shown to you - a first ever public release of this masterpiece. This version didn't have the campaign, but the skirmish and no need for either NPatch, RockPatch and surely Ares. Lots of the units from 1.2 were based on the Red Alert 2 concept sketches like Hydra and Focus Tanks, Soviet Rhino Tank is based on the art from the installation process. Some units from Mental Omega 3.3 made it's first apperance here like immortal Centurion Siege Crawler, Akula Missile Subs, Siege Cadre or Aeroblazes. Mental Omega 1.2 in terms of gameplay is very different from Mental Omega 3.3, it's much closer to the vanilla Yuri's Revenge. Some things might be shocking, like dogs able to bite Tesla Troopers or Desolators or Elite Centurion destroying buildings in one volley.
  • 流星的哲学:1……1.2?