30 Sentences 2.0-【从零开始】只要30句,和歪果仁无障碍交流!



  • 圆脸小怪兽o:1.thinks so much or,'thanks so much for 2.I really appreciate 3.excuse me 4.I'm sorry 5.what do you think? 6.how does that sound 7.that sounds great 8.never mind 9.I'm learning English 10.I don't understand 11.Could you repeat that please? 12.Could you please talk slower? 13.thank you,that helps a lot 14.what does___mean 15.how do you spell that? 16.what do you mean? 17.nice to meet you 18.where are you from? 19.what do you do? 20.what do you like to do in your free time? 21.what's your phone number? 22.do you have WeChat? 23.how is it going? 24.what have you been up to? 25.I've been really busy lately 26.Do you have any plans_具体时间__? 27.I'm just about to_动词短语__. 28.Do you like___? 29.The weather is beautiful today.isn't it?
  • Real麦克老师:需要完整句子列表及例句的同学可以关注我的微信公众号:Real麦克老师
  • 你是傲嬌的潮:Can you speak Chinese。[滑稽]
  • 橘猫太郎Sama:啊唉
  • 糟了糕:My English is poor.Can you speak Chinese?[滑稽]