


  • Esther霜降:关于风险:由于手术涉及全身麻醉所以存在一定的风险,如果在手术后你的猫咪出现下列情况请及时联系兽医:失去意识超过24小时,24小时内没有饮水,情绪沮丧,腹泻,虚弱,呕吐,体重降低以及一些异常的行为。(参考来自护士小姐姐给我的信) 关于绝育的影响:绝育并不会对你的猫造成除了没有性行为和**期以外其他的影响(包括懒惰以及长胖),在大多数情况下绝育过后的猫咪在性格上会更加好(Neutering will not have any significant effect on your cat's lifestyle apart from eliminating its ***ual behaviour. Most owners find that any changes in their cat's personality are for the better as many neutered cats become more affectionate and playful.) 关于花费: Bepo的手术花费了将近75英镑,包括前期的身体检查以及最后的复查。
  • 萌宅有一群猫:嘛,你说的好委婉,我干儿子是小时候特殊情况,没发育好所以**了,所幸后来长出来了,虽然现在也没了233( ̄▽ ̄)
  • Esther霜降:关于绝育的时间:一般来说猫咪满6个月,体重达到六斤以上就可以做绝育。现在也有一部分人提倡在猫咪刚出生后过一段时间就做绝育。如果比较担心的话可以在第一次**后进行这个手术。你也可以跟你的医生聊聊来根据自己猫咪的身体状况确定一个最合适的时间。(参考来源:villagevent.co.uk Traditionally, female and male cats have usually been neutered at about six months old. Before the development of safe anaesthetics and surgical methods it was believed that a nearly fully grown animal would cope better with the operation. However, increasing numbers of vets now like to neuter animals much earlier, from about eight weeks. There is no evidence that such early neutering harms a cat's later health and physical development. Your vet will be happy to discuss with you the best time for neutering your cat.) 关于手术:猫咪在绝育时必须保持全身麻醉的状态。同时也应当禁食过夜来降低手术的风险。一般来说医生会建议在手术前8个小时禁食,但是可以给一些少量的饮水。手术对于雄性猫来说较为简单,一般恢复期在三天左右,对于雌性来说难度会比雄性稍大,但是请放心,他是猫咪最为常见的手术之一。手术当天需要做好接回家的准备,但是你的医生也有可能希望你的猫咪留院一晚照顾他们(参考来自同一个网站,英文太长不做粘贴)
  • KayoGo:从breeder那里来的布偶不是都应该要绝育好才能给的嘛
  • 开水沸腾:一边吸猫一边听up主唠家常 简直不要太幸福 请继续保持话痨本色不要变阿