-【国人女声】About Me【茶理理】



  • 茶理理理子:接上一条评论 7. Looking your eyes, and I say “love you” with fake smile → I look in your eyes and say, “I love you”, with a fake smile 8. Please tell me what should I do → Please tell me what I should do: 宾语从句, 即便是问句也要用主谓宾的顺序 9. Just feel so sad inside, but I kiss you → I just feel so sad, but I kiss you:feel so sad已经有”内心感到悲伤”的意思了, 后面如果还加inside的话听起来非常redundant, 所以去掉inside比较好 10. I can’t get my mind off you → Can’t get you out of my mind: 原话实际上并没有语法错误, 不过平常不会这么说,听起来很别扭 11. It’s things about you → Some things about you
  • 茶理理理子:再接上一条评论_(:3)∠)_ 12. My hands can’t take back that time I passed with you → my hands can’t take back that time I spent with you 理论上来说这一句应该要改成”my hands couldn’t take b***纰漏的)。 13. If you are still alive, I wanted to say it’s not your fault → If you were still alive, I wanted to say it’s not your fault: 虚拟语气,整个句子都要用过去时
  • 渗透之C君:这是我第150次播放这首, 特此留念一下( ////)
  • 茶理理理子:字数限制好讨厌;w; 这样一来分这么多条评论写我岂不是又刷 屏了sad
  • PinkkanoK:去nico刷再生没什么错,看着很多人用着蹩脚的英文和机翻日文应援茶叔真的觉得很高兴,但每隔几秒就会有人发88888 不知道在nico888的意思是结束后鼓掌吗,尤其是看到一半,霸占了半个屏的七彩888飞出来我真是目瞪口呆,为茶叔应援是好事,但是请有一点基本的礼貌和常识好吗。