The Caretaker - Everywhere At The End Of Time - Stages 1-6 (Complete) - YouTube-The Caretaker - Everywhere At The End Of Time - Stages 1-6 (



  • 岛屿以西:谢谢搬运,这真是一份压抑又充满感情的专辑,这两天搜查了解了详细后心情都变得沉重低落了。不得不承认艺术真是传递感情的最佳方式之一,仅仅是听完这么一份六个多小时的歌单就能仿佛走完患上痴呆症后的数十年人生,感受愈发的压抑和绝望,长达一个多小时的每个section都在逼着人去深思,代入,设想,让人喘不过气,又不得不承认其成功。以后一定要找个机会一口气听完六小时,去表达最大的敬意。
  • Wspr_:STAGE 1 : 00:00:00 Here we experience the first signs of memory loss. This stage is most like a beautiful daydream. The glory of old age and recollection. The last of the great days. 00:00:00 - A1 - It's just a burning memory 00:03:32 - A2 - We don't have many days 00:07:02 - A3 - Late afternoon drifting 00:10:38 - A4 - Childishly fresh eyes 00:13:36 - A5 - Slightly bewildered 00:15:38 - A6 - Things that are beautiful and transient 00:20:12 - B1 - All that follows is true 00:23:44 - B2 - An autumnal equinox 00:26:31 - B3 - Quiet internal rebellions 00:30:02 - B4 - The loves of my entire life 00:34:06 - B5 - Into each others eyes 00:38:42 - B6 - My heart will stop in joy
  • L0Xie:Stage 1: “ 早晨起来🌑🌑拥抱太阳🌑🌑 让身体充满🌑🌑灿烂的阳光🌑🌑 满满的正能量🌑🌑 嘴角向下🌑🌑会迷失方向🌑🌑 嘴角向上🌑🌑蒸蒸日上🌑🌑 满满的正能量🌑🌑 世上没有路🌑🌑都是人开创🌑🌑 脚底板磨破了🌑🌑道路就顺畅🌑🌑 满满的正能量🌑💥🌑 ” —— 邱勇😆 Stage 2: “ 要大胆去想🌑🌑要勇敢去创🌑🌑 这一腔热血🌑🌑洒要洒的漂亮🌑🌑 要大胆去闯🌑🌑要勇敢去创🌑🌑 要把你的脚印🌑🌑留在这星球上🌑🌑 人类的文明🌑🌑是如此辉煌🌑🌑 需要你和我🌑🌑再加把力量🌑💥🌑 加把力量一起飞翔🌑🌑 加把力量一起飞翔🌑🌑 加!把!力!量! 一!起!飞!翔! ” —— 邱甬力😳 Stage 3: “ 世上最好的菜🌑🌑不是满汉全席🌑🌑 而是我做的🌑🌑茄子葫芦烧鸡🌑🌑 茄子👉👈葫芦🤏🤏烧鸡👉👈🌑🌑 伸出你的手🌑🌑现在就请你🌑💥🌑 茄子👉👈 葫芦🤏🤏 烧鸡👉👈 ” —— 丘耳甬力🥵 Stage 4: “ 早晨多美好🌑🌑早起多清爽🌑🌑 满腔的喜悦🌑🌑一口一口品尝🌑🌑 鸟儿在歌唱🌑🌑请红日打光🌑🌑 小树是粉丝🌑🌑披彩霞盛装🌑🌑 你的梦很沉🌑🌑你的梦很香🌑🌑 现在睁开眼🌑🌑就实现梦想🌑🌑 早晨就是天堂🌑🌑早起实现梦想🌑🌑 早晨就是天堂🌑🌑 早起实现梦想🌑💥🌑 ” —— 耳力😐 Stage 5: “ 满满的…正能量… 大胆去想勇敢去创...创新… 世上…最好的菜… 早晨…就是天堂…早起…实现梦想… ” —— 丘甬🥴 Stage 6: “ 热爱每个早晨🌑🌑 感恩每个夜晚🌑🌑 无论日出还是日落🌑🌑 都送她一个笑脸🌑🌑 没有人能留住时间🌑🌑 但是会记住笑脸🌑🌑 所有美好和感动🌑🌑 都会在世间流传🌑💥🌑 ” —— 🤤 尝试用文字表达了一下[呲牙]在网抑“奥兹海默模拟器”放了无emoji版。 感谢快手,感谢邱先生,感谢国家,感谢正能量。 来源:
  • 晨星61:STAGE 3 : 01:23:17 第三阶段 Here we are presented with some of the last coherent memories before confusion fully rolls in and the grey mists form and fade away. Finest moments have been remembered, the musical flow in places is more confused and tangled. As we progress some singular memories become more disturbed, isolated, broken and distant. These are the last embers of awareness before we enter the post awareness stages. 这一阶段还有最后连贯的记忆残余,随后也将被被完全困惑和灰雾掩盖,从而消逝。 只有最好的时光被记住了,音乐变得更加迷惑和纠结,很多单片记忆被完全打乱,被损坏,被孤立。 这是记忆在进入后意识阶段之前最后的余烬。 01:23:17 - E1 - Back there Benjamin 回到那里!本杰明! 01:27:33 - E2 - And heart breaks 然后心碎
  • 晨星61:STAGE 6 : 05:04:32 Post-Awareness Stage 6 is without description. 没有任何描述。 05:04:32 - O1 - Stage 6 A confusion so thick you forget forgetting 阶段6,困惑使你忘记去忘记。 05:26:25 - P1 - Stage 6 A brutal bliss beyond this empty defeat 阶段6,空虚的失败之上残酷的极乐 05:48:02 - Q1 - Stage 6 Long decline is over 阶段6,长久的退化已经完了 06:09:12 - R1 - Stage 6 Place in the World fades away 阶段6,所有地方全部消逝了。