


  • 小胖画室:我的笔记 1把过去当成对未来的启发 2为自己热爱的努力一把,不负此生 3怀着激情,过好每一天灿烂人生
  • 一颗奶茶蛋甜筒:I chose this lifestyle 生命与人生是由各种各样得选择构成的,存在就是对自己所做的各种选择负责任,每个人的生活和生命都是自己选择的结果,比如工作、婚姻、爱好~生命就是对这些所做的选择负责任,即使是苦难,人们也不应放弃责任。生命的意义在于承担责任的过程,而不在于结果。人存在的意义就是认真做自己应该做的事,负自己应负的责任~发现积极~[奋斗][奋斗]
  • 十一号出口YYQX:世界上最痛苦的事情不是你不行而是你本可以
  • 三生有幸遇见你521:Hi.My role was that be called me after every jump. I'd spoken to him the day before,and he was so excited about the way his trip was going.The next day when the phone rang,it was J.T. calling.He said two words:"Shane's dead".I went silent,I screamed,I hung up the phone.I had no idea what to do.My brain was screaming,I couldn't breathe,and my daughter was staring at me, scared and confused. I left South Africa when I was 21 to go travel the world,and find my Persian brith father.I never met him,and it's really pissed me off.( laughter) But now that I look back, it's thanks to him,that I meet the love of my life and my soulmate. Shane McConkey,was named one of the most influential shikers in the world. He completely disrupted the ski industry.He completely disrupted the ski industry,to the way we ski in powder.Shane won extreme ski competitions;he was a ski movie star.
  • 这个昵称酷毙了-:“环境无法决定你是否幸福,是每天自发地追求激情 活得精彩 活得灿烂”共勉[给心心][给心心]