


  • 筱笛zia:I’m in Beijing and i need to get somewhere in a hurry. But the traffic could going to block for hours with a bikeline is still here. what about pushing a bike? And now i can go on an phone app and find hired bikes which have been left in the street around me. You choose a bike , you scan it and it unlocks and you ride off. Each of these so called Mobikes has an integrated GPS tracking system When i finish with it,or just leave it on the footpath for example the next person comes along, scans it and there’s a way. But Mobike is not the only smart new bike hire company,this is a ofo bike. It’s tracked by following the rider’s smart phone
  • Jet-:兄弟,你这样在北京一边骑车一边大喘气说话也是有勇气啊
  • 站着比走累:不可能回本,跟据被人为破坏的程度和数量来看,如果大家尊守规则的话,回本并不难,只是时间问题。想要在这个阶段的天朝用这种方式赚钱,简直是天方夜谭。在此呼吁广大同胞,勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。
  • 筱笛zia:Both of these start-ups has drawn huge investments from China’s tec giants in the case of Mobike is Tencent which runs the social media app-Wechat. and ofo has received a massice cash injection from taxi-hailing app Didi Chuxing. ( )the hire up this bike from the 30 cents an hour You can imagine that’s an awful a lot of renters for these companies to make their money back. We have arrived now at Mobike’s Beijing headquarters to speak to the company’s founder about her plans. For these companies to succeed,they’re counting on their cool looking ( ) making push bike-riding hip amongst China’s younger generation. and it could even be the car which is the reason for their success because sometimes this is the only way to get around in China’s congested mega cities. Beijing!
  • 韩傻蛋:英国人拍得比日本人好多了