Discover Your Purpose in Life (Ikigai in 4 Steps)_压制版-仅需4步!发现你生命的意义!Discover Your Purpose in Life (Ikigai in 4 Ste



  • 仙女座星人:四个问题: 1、你喜欢什么? 是什么让你终日不倦?What have you never gotten bored of? 是什么让你魂牵梦萦?What's something you've always been drawn back to do over time? 是什么让你沉浸心流、废寝忘食?What gets you in the flow that you forget to eat or drink when you do it? 2、你擅长什么? 你在持续打磨什么技能?What skills have you been spending time to practice? 因为什么他人向你寻求帮助?What do people look to you for help with? 你希望自己擅长什么?ls there anything you want to be good at? 3、做什么能得到报酬? 因为什么赚过钱?What have you been paid for before? 如果你不做现在的工作,你会做什么?What would you be doing if you're not in your current job? 你希望通过什么赚钱?What do you want to get paid for? 4、这个世界需要什么? 人们喜欢什么,需要什么?How are the people like, what do they need? 如何才能为身边的人贡献积极的影响?How can you contribute to create a positive effect on those around you? 你需要做的就是找到这四个部分的交集。 并非所有人在第一次做完后都能马上找到自己的ikigai,有些人可能需要几个月,慢慢来,问自己一些棘手的问题,每天回答一下。 永远保持开放去尝试新事物,你永远不知道你有多喜欢某件事,直到你真正做到这一点。