Introduction-【MOOC】人类简史 Lesson1 人类大家族【个翻字幕】



  • 美西大人:微博里看到搬视频的人说你坚持做字幕的事情 虽然还没看视频 不过为毅力耐心点赞!!!!!好佩服的哦 加油
  • 千与君:lesson2目前是先翻译整段 再自己做时间轴 效果应该比lesson1要好一些 最让我担心的三点 时间精力 翻译水平 和渣浪 这里要是还能来一帮小学生吵架就有意思了
  • froxp:1.-250万年(东非)~~~-20万(智人) 2.人类进化非单一线性 3.生物链中层~顶层 (火) 4.杂交理论,取代理论
  • sleeppig5:1. Early human's brain is bigger than other animals which have the equal body weight with human. 2. Big brain needs more energy, human had to find more food to support the big consumption of big brain; 3. All human species walk upright, their hands are free, starting using tools. 4. Walking upright bring problems, like the stress on spine, the narrow birth c****, so the human baby had to given birth early than other animals. 5. A baby is very delicate, needs more care from other people. 6. Human can be socialied and educatied. 7. Using tools to eat animals' bone marrow. 8. Human took very short time from the middle to the top of the food chain. Sudden jump makes us uneasy to adapt the position in the top of the food chain.
  • 小神林Endling:嘿嘿嘿,刚刚在网易云里听课,没想到b站还真有,果然网易和b站不得不说的故事