英国国歌《天佑女王》National Anthem United Kingdom - God Save the Queen-英国国歌《天佑女王》National Anthem United Kingdom - God Save the Quee



  • 当年吴钩:天佑女王, 祝她万寿无疆, 上帝保佑女王! 常胜利,沐荣光; 孚民望,心欢畅;扬神威,张天网, 保王室,歼敌人, 一鼓涤荡。 破阴谋,灭奸党, 把乱盟一扫光; 让我们齐仰望, 上帝保佑女王!愿上帝恩泽长, 选精品,倾宝囊, 万岁国王! 愿他捍卫国法, 使民心齐归向, 一致衷心歌唱, 上帝保佑国王! 治国家,王运长; 上帝保佑女王!
  • 斯图尔特-阿特维尔:God save the Queen the fascist regime, they made you a moron a potential H-bomb. God save the Queen she ain't no human being. There is no future in England's dreaming Don't be told what you want Don't be told what you need. There's no future there's no future there's no future for you God save the Queen we mean it man we love our queen God saves God save the Queen 'cos tourists are money and our figurehead is not what she seems Oh God save history God save your mad parade Oh Lord God have mercy all crimes are paid. When there's no future how can there be sin we're the flowers in the dustbin we're the poison in your human machine we're the future you're future God save the Queen we mean it man we love our queen God saves God save the Queen we mean it man there is no future in England's dreaming No future no future for you
  • _Super政委_:期待GOD SAVE THE KING
  • 御电法狮:在波士顿傾茶事件原址放这首歌[滑稽]
  • 郑志嘉:God save the WilliamV the King!Rip the late Prince of Wales and the late Queen Elizabeth!