中字(自翻)-【超清4K】边伯贤 - 'Bambi' MV(中文字幕)



  • 是阿璃吖:Ah I feel it like 刚入夜的晚空 是渲染开的墨滴 氤氲中唯见你 bacause you are my favourite 我情有独钟 黑蓝色丝绒 包裹着的那种 Diamond 手牵手带你飞去 Neverland Girl you're so brilliant,brilliant,brilliant 想定格在我们相融的这一瞬间 You're my only Bambi Bambi 多么适合相拥的身体 呼吸着你的呼吸 雨夜里放空思绪 渐渐 更深陷 更沉溺 Bambi bam Bambi Bambi bambi x2 You're so precious I can't take it You are dreamy Bambi Bambi yeah Tell me what's your secret 让你脸红说不出口的话 轻轻告诉我 girl 就像fairytale oh 做你变身公主的魔咒 当你不在身边的时候 产生幻觉,这世界的存在 It's all fake 你是照亮我的 Tinklebell 贪恋 你的 温柔 Make me fly high You're my only Bambi Bambi 多么适合相拥的身体 呼吸着你的呼吸 雨夜里放空思绪 渐渐 更深陷 更沉溺 Bambi bam Bambi Bambi bambi x2 You're so precious I can't take it You are dreamy Bambi Bambi yeah 星光满溢 我看着你的眼睛 all night All I want is you and me 眼下没有终点需要到达 yeah Over and over 每晚都陪伴我入睡 我们之间can't be closer There's no way out. This story 我们终将飞去Neverland You're my only Bambi Bambi 多么适合相拥的身体 呼吸着你的呼吸 雨夜里放空思绪 渐渐 更深陷 更沉溺 Bambi bam bambi x2 You're so precious I can't take it You are dreamy Bambi Bambi yeah 灵魂也触碰 keep this tempo 闭上眼 一切又归还雨夜之中
  • MikaZHW:啵啵虎 yyds[打call]
  • 芭蕉曳雨:晚安