Elf subliminal精灵音乐-Elf subliminal精灵音乐



  • Cirtus_Ved:- Transform into an elf- Develop elf DNA- Have ethereal, divine, ageless, youthful beauty- Have large, beautiful, shining eyes- Have pointed ears that are perfectly shaped and sized- Easily hide your pointed ears- Look youthful throughout your entire life- Have a supernaturally long lifespan- Live for up to seven hundred years- Be supernaturally healthy- Have a light body (light as in weight)- Have short, soft body hair that is the same colour as your skin- Body hair blends in with your skin- Be immune to sickness, disease and infections- Have a powerful elf mind- Have elven wisdom, intelligence and knowledge- Have advanced, powerful senses (hearing, sight, taste, touch, smell)- Be able to see perfectly in the dark- Have a deep connection to plants and animals- Be deeply connected to nature and magic energy- Be able to harness, wield and control magic energy- Be able to learn the art of spellcasting- Become fluent in the elven language- Have elven speed, strength
  • Cirtus_Ved:- Have a powerful elven aura - Have elven wit, concentration, memorisation, perception, deduction, ingenuity, learning skills, intuition, awareness, creativity, originality, charisma and diplomacy - Have ultimate artistic and musical skill - Be extremely talented at all forms of art and music - Move gracefully - Adapt to any environment (elven adaptability) - Easily hide all your elven features and the fact that you're an elf - Be safe from and immune to people discovering that you're an elf - Be accepted for being an elf if you tell anyone + Booster affirmations
  • 苑木公:绝了,我的耳朵上轮廓变了
  • Queens乌卡:头部体感强棒棒哒[给心心]
  • 宙心仙女芮宝:感恩感谢[给心心][爱心][干杯]