Back to School (Official Music Video) - Sam Tsui-SamTsui | 原创歌曲《Back to School》MV国内首发



  • 我ta喵姬了ゆ皿ゆ:终于等到官方版,还是没有歌词[笑哭]感谢加工字幕的朋友……[跪了] BACK TO SCHOOL——sam tsui Last year was tough again, she'd never been 去年又过得如此艰难, Any good at blending in 因她没有合群的天分, By now she's used to the way they stare 而现在她已习惯别人怪异的目光, The girl who don't belong anywhere 这个没有归属的女孩, Hair falling to her knees 长发垂至膝盖, As she read 'bout wolves and wizardry 读着关于狼和巫师的那些传奇, But she's been wondering since the sixth grade 但她从六年级就开始思考, What it'd be like if people could change 如果人们一改从前,这世界会是什么样, And maybe this year 或许今年, She'll walk through the doors and they'll all cheer 当她踏入校门,能听见人们的欢呼, Eyes off the floor, she'll have no fear 不再目光低垂,不再心怀恐惧, When she goes back to school, she'll be so much better 当她回到校园,她将焕然一新, And maybe as soon as September 或许到了九月份, Nobody will even remember 就没有人会再记得, How they could be so cruel 他们曾如此刻薄, When she goes 当她回到, Back, back, back, back, back 回到 Back, back, back, back, back 回到 When she goes back 当她回到 When she goes, when she goes back to school. 当她重新回到校园。
  • Andrina想喝冰摩卡:啊啊啊@大家的音乐姬 快来收录[喜欢][喜欢][喜欢][喜欢][喜欢][喜欢]虽然比音频迟了一个月 但我还没听腻 所以赞赞赞!
  • 超特殊常数406:来了,这首歌就是《Golden Jacket》的另一面吧——如果说《Golden Jacket》是自己为了摆脱自卑成为自己的明星的那一件魔法外衣,《Back to School》就是那个变得更包容的世界,告诉你即使你还是很shy,大家也都期待着更好的你的归来(然后顺便提醒你,就算是疫情,这学期也要开学了[呲牙])
  • 不爱吃糖的歌莉娅:歌真的很好听,歌词质朴而真诚,mv表现力很棒,能打动我。
  • 君啥啥:Sam的粉丝真的涨的好慢[难过]