


  • livy_7:老师讲的好好啊,以及参考大家的笔记,也学到了好多,喜欢这种一起学习的感觉。只不过很多似乎认识的单词,我觉得我不认识了,感觉快瞎了。。。 1 adept: expert adopt: option adapt: change 2 aggrevate: gravity aggregate: gregarious congregate: rally segregate: apart 3 rally: congregate ally: friend allay: lessen alley: serpentine alloy: mix / mixture unalloyed: pure 4 artistic: art / artist artful: cunning / crafty / wily artless: simple artificial: human 5 attitude: opinion altitude: height latitude: 维度 / liberty platitude: commonplace
  • xiaoyancy:vindicate及其形近词 P38 - 00:05 ad--加强 ---- e: expert --> adept 熟练的 opt: option. --> adopt 采纳,领养 a: apt 合适的 --> adapt 适应 aggravate及其形近词 P2 - 00:00 grav: gravity重 --> aggravate 是加重 v.s. greg: 和人有关 --> aggregare = congregate 聚集 se = apart: segregate (把人们分开)= 隔离 artful及其形近词 P4 - 00:01 art: artificial 人造的--> (引申义)狡猾的 --> artful (人造的所以)精巧的; 狡猾的 --> artless= art (狡猾的) + less(不...)= 不狡猾的= 朴实无华的 attitude及其形近词 P5 - 00:01 latitue: 纬度(很广,所以)自由🆓
  • imp1978:老师总结的很好,补充几组我常弄混的 sever severe serve revere felicity felicitous frolicsome facetious factious inimitable inimical munition ammunition falter palter peck speck mangle mangy mash smash mesh miserly misery momentous momentum inure inuendo turbid turgid invective inveigh inveigle vacuous fatuous dwindle swindle indolence insolence plod prod distain detain disdain
  • Charles_Hua:李老师头发炸了[吃瓜][吃瓜]
  • 小小嘞萌:croon 低吟 say sth gently 
boon 福利 bon
boor 粗野 boar野猪,boorish没礼貌的
brook 容忍 tolerate
dampen 泼冷水 dampen your plan
temper 减轻 temper ones temper
tamper 篡改 tamper with evidence;manipulate,corrupt
hamper 阻止 cheek,impede,thwart,hinder
hammer 重申 反复敲锤子
comprehend 包含包括,理解 hand;grasp
apprehend 逮捕,理解,担心 apprehend a killer; grasp; waiting apprehend me
reprehend 指责 re=again, reprehend the police; reprehensive可以被指责的
affect 做作,情感 
affectation 装 a smile with affectation
affected 装 affected smile
unaffected 自然的 natural
affection 喜爱 talk with affection;develop affection