


  • 多多良小李:被埋没的优秀作品太多了,反而一些改动的大,略鬼畜的曲子火了,只能在收藏夹里看到这个,哎~心痛!
  • 寂寞的小双鱼星龙:【东方地灵殿】少女觉 - 3rd Eye 添加字幕完成! 说一下食用说明和自我感受: 1.常规部分用的是粉色小号底端弹幕填写,如果盖住原英文字幕,可适当调节弹幕速度~ 2.第一次用高级弹幕填字幕(中间那一部分),出现了一些问题(文字的位置会随着分辨率的改变而改变,反正偏离了预定的位置,还有就是字号没有把握好,该大不大,该小不小,这些问题我会自我检讨) 3.如果看不见字幕,可以检查下是否关闭了底端弹幕~ 4.字幕经过简单的润色,欢迎大家在这条评论下来“咬文嚼字” 5.下一个翻译对象——38、【东方地灵殿】被封印的妖怪 ~ Lost Place
  • ⑨实践梦想⑨:【Touhou Lyrics】 Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye Satori's theme. ...Well, this might sound a //bit// too dramatic for Satori's character, but the imaginable struggle of a mind-reading youkai like her is just beyond tragic. I'm sure that Satori went through similar emotional hardships as her sister Koishi, being endlessly exposed to ugly thoughts of hatred and fear... but, rather than sealing her third eye, Satori has a different solution: She'll use hypnosis to draw out the far more beautiful thoughts that lie beneath-- that is, the beautifully traumatic memories of danmaku. Danmaku is the answer to everything!
  • ⑨实践梦想⑨:Yukari's theme. ..."Just a trick of light casts the world in black and white. / What keeps it all from blending into gray~?" YUKARI IS IMPORTANT AND BORDERS ARE SO IMPORTANT, OH MY GOD. Being the master of "borders" essentially means being the master of everything -- because literally everything that exists (and everything that doesn't exist?) boils down to a series of borders. Either physical or metaphorical, they're so powerful, and yet so very fragile. Think about the two starkest opposites you can imagine... Black and white, day and night, fantasy and reality... ...Nope. They aren't. Just a tweak, and they are indistinguishable. My whole heart went into these lyrics, because this fascinating ambiguous balance, this potent power of creation and destruction, is my FAVORITE thing about this amazing series.
  • 寂寞的小双鱼星龙:【东方地灵殿】被封印的妖怪 ~ Lost Place 添加字幕完成! 食用说明和自我感受: 1.字幕统一使用蓝色底端弹幕,由于语速较快,所以为了更好的观看体验可以选择加快弹幕速度 2.如果看不见字幕,可以检查下是否关闭了底端弹幕~ 3.字幕经过简单的润色,欢迎大家在这条评论下来“咬文嚼字” 然后就是彩蛋时间了: 1.歌词第四句“You break a sweat like a puddle and fall in…”,原意大概是你流汗就和掉到水坑(再爬出来)一样,但我觉得“汗如雨下”更简洁些 2.歌词第十六句“What's bugging you is the same that bugs me!”,由于bug这个词含义很多,我认为这句还有隐含含义——“你和我都患有同样的疾病!”(同为与世隔绝之绝症) 3.歌词第二十句“If you're caught with a bug,well,it's over for sure!”,也是由于上面那个原因,我认为也可以理解成——“如果你染上这疾病,那必死无疑!” 4.同样是歌词第二十句,后半句“it's over for sure!”,直译就是“那肯定完了”,然后我就给翻译成了“那必死无疑”,可能有失偏颇。 ⑤... ⑥.下一个翻译对象——你猜?