


  • 风乘雾:他怕玷污了颁奖台。我们要理解他[doge]
  • TAOp滴血的龙:得罪了裁判没关系,大不了不参赛; 得罪了媒体没关系,大不了被网友骂; 得罪了国家队和教练没关系,大不了退役; 得罪了别国运动员没关系,大不了输了被公开处刑; 得罪了国际泳联没关系,大不了被禁赛几年; 但是,得罪了B站,问题就大了,会被编成鬼畜、表情包和段子传唱数年[滑稽][滑稽][滑稽]
  • CC20000525:怎么能迫害双腿残疾的人呢?[doge]
  • windy可爱懒儿:这么好的填词,不上首页让大家看到实在太可惜了,顶起!!!
  • wys2011011748:UP还我40分钟人生!英文歌词我尽可能考虑押韵了,能唱出来了!(可惜上不了热评了) (副歌) Happy Horton, dope you just have; Every day you gossip like as-s. Happy Horton, sportsmanship so what? I play myself. group photo? NOT! (主歌) Dope you just take, dirty thoughts you will make. Comptetion is no way, dirty words only say. egg on the 3rd place, but he don't care what you make. Why care what critics say? Silver medal deserves brag hey! Respect worth praise, but you don't want to say. You think Sun doesn't worth the grade, just gossip and defame. Tears here in your eyes, want Sun become ash someday. Swim slower than him, excuses you only make! (副歌) Happy Horton, dope you just have; You won't win him even you do that! Happy Horton, make waves so what? ¥3 for a key, you worth how much? Happy Horton, welcome to China, Chinese medicine tastes IMBA~ Happy Horton, come and dope ha, We will see you evolve or not!