-It Is Well 歌曲背后的故事 __ Kristene DiMarco __【BethelMusic】



  • Missforward:From that place of just experiencing that awakening kind of my heart. I started to sing differently because when I would sing about God’s being faithful, I realized that Oh, I know that he’s faithful now. To encounter the faithfulness of God is not always a comfortable thing because you have to be in a place where you actually need somebody to be faithful to you and that’s usually uncomfortable, but God actually created us not to live apart from him and apart from everything that he is. I realized that I just need to, I need to not despise my need of God, the chorus of the song “Let Go, my soul and trusts in him, the waves and winds still know his name”. We’ve heard the story about how Jesus on the boat and you know he woke up, he’s like: Why are you so free? and he calms the storm.
  • Missforward:When I was a little bit younger, I just remember asking God like, I just, I always want to believe what I sing where you’re so in love with God and you so are grounded in who he is, that no matter what happens to you, you can still say it’s well for my soul because who he is. The song came out of a couple different moments, me and my husband looking for a house and it was just this long process, long drown-out process. And I just remember being like, Oh, God! I’ll never get a house, we’ll never get house. We tend to be really short-sighted sometimes and the problem that’s right in front of us tends to be the biggest thing in the world. And he was just very kind and kind of saying: hey, I’ve done something bigger than this before like this really isn’t that big of a problem, and so I sat down and I wrote that the first verse “the grander earth has quaked before”.
  • Missforward:My prayers for the song and what I’ve seen it do already is just to comfort people and really really deepen hard times, the disappointments and the disillusionment you know and, and gets us to shake off self-pity for this former lives. You really encountered me when I needed him the most, and I needed rescue and I needed salvation and I needed faithfulness and he came through for me, so now my faith, is faith, and it’s not just hope. We can hope that God’s real of whole lives, you know, but, why not know that is real.
  • Missforward:I think anything in life is kind of like that wind and that waves that one day, anything they will ever face, I bet you everything knows his name, I bet you that everything will ever face has already tasted some level of defeat, or the entirety of defeat because of what he did. And so there is really nothing to be afraid of. The addition of the hymn was actually my husband’s idea. Everybody at some point of their life can really connect with that hymn. And then when I got to the recording of you making me brave, I just suggested it to the producer, he’s like, yeah, let’s do it but let’s not tell the band, it just became this amazing spontaneous moment at the recording actually.
  • 徐柿子丶:欢迎收看“没字幕看个卵”系列~(`・ω・´)