陈奕迅-Muffin Man-陈奕迅-Muffin Man



  • 哈喽哈喽刘阳阳:Muffin Man 歌手:陈奕迅 Paging all my people who are hurt 呼唤身旁心碎之人 In the desert of their lies 他们正被旁人的谎言所淹没 We won't take this from them anymore 我们不会一错再错 We're not astray 我们未入迷途 We're not ashamed 我们未感羞愧 Come on down my friend from here 噢拜托,我的朋友 There's a chance' I know' of rain 我终于了解什么叫泪如雨下 Wash those tears you have inside 拭去浸润眼眶的泪珠 It's a fear' it will subside 恐惧它终将会褪去 You should try' you should try 惟愿君再勉,惟愿君再勉 Change it any way you can 尽你一切做出改变 Rhyme it like the Muffin Man 摆脱心中的软弱 You should try' you should try 惟愿君再勉,惟愿君再勉 You don't need to hide it anymore 不必躲躲藏藏 It's OK' you can feel 你终将体会得到 I don't have to tell you who you are 所以我不必告诉你自己是谁 You're a star' you're a star 你如同闪亮繁星 Come on down my friend' I know 朋友啊,我当然知道 This is life' and we've got to go 生活总是如此,我们更该快马加鞭 Wash those tears you have inside 拭去眼眶的泪珠 It's a fear' it will subside 恐惧终究会褪去 You should try' you should try 惟愿君再勉,惟愿君再勉 Change it any way you can 尽你一切做出改变
  • Everest007:感觉中文填词有点掉价了