


  • 蔚然且深秀:UP主给个英文全文啊!1:40那个salute 打错了.
  • 清澜C:这个翻译版本好简洁 厉害
  • 一颗大橙子cxb:厉害厉害
  • 拾伍缘:三连了[小电视_赞]
  • 水原千鹤天下第一:One day I finally find out It’s not only we are telling you how to live You are also inspiring us how to live better Those who keep swearing “one generation is inferior to the older” Should look at you youth Just as I do I am looking at you Full of appreciation Thanks to you, China is to be accepted more by the world Since the most significant scenery in a nation is its young generation And thanks to you, the youth in fictions, music, movies, is no longer blue and hazy Instead it’s kindness courage selflessness and no fear It’s the flame in the heart, and the light in the eyes You don’t have to live as could be imagined by us Since the imagination of our generation is insufficient to overview your vision But if you still need our blessing Well Rush then, back waves We’re all in the same boiling river!