-【中字】集体助攻,同志情侣超有爱求婚[Alberto & Matteo]



  • 掌上那颗朱砂痣:How We Met: The first time I met Matteo was many years before, at the birthday party of our common friend Simona. He was a total party animal, dancing and performing crazy karaoke sessions. At that time I thought “what a fantastic person!”, but we were living quite far from each other. Many years after, I moved closer to him and… little by little, things got started. Now we are in our fifth year together, living together by four… so it was about time to propose. I organized a fake business meeting, helped by his parents (they work together as glassware deisgners and producers) and by some of our many friends… organizing an hypotetic flight that will take us to our happiest day ever in Portugal (sadly we cant do it in Italy, not yet).
  • -阴霾_:不知为何,很喜欢这视频,都不知道看多少回了,就是感觉温馨,细腻
  • 九七年夏满:啊啊啊啊啊啊好幸福啊啊啊,顺遍在除夕,祝大家新的一年更幸福
  • 佛山满舒克:我们这是中国吧。。是我的错么。。。
  • 阿星酱的猪屁屁:尼妈 搞得我跟着一块哭 好幸福