少女隊 KOREA 1988-{韩国现场集}少女隊 - KOREA



  • Cin辛夷:The sun's burning down a sweet emotion   Flying up higher reach out for more   We're all running together for lovely smiles,   Higher and higher we fall in love   I need your love my long distance boy,   The ocean is wide we're building a bridge   Wonder why can't we be faster than light,   Faster than airplanes my precious love   When the sun comes up in Korea   The sun goes down in America   When the sun comes up in Korea,   Love lasts forever   When the sun comes up in Korea   The sun goes down in America   When the sun comes up in Korea   Games are forever,
  • Cin辛夷:I'm just getting up you go to sleep,   Thousands of miles so far away   I'm working so hard to make the games   To get down to Seoul see you again   I need your love my long distance boy,   The ocean is wide we're building a bridge   Wonder why can't we be faster than light,   Faster than airplanes my precious love   When the sun comes up in Korea   The sun goes down in America   When the sun comes up in Korea,   Love lasts forever   When the sun comes up in Korea   The sun goes down in America   When the sun comes up in Korea   Games are forever
  • Cin辛夷:Wonder why can't we be faster than light,   Faster than airplanes my precious love   When the sun comes up in Korea   The sun goes down in America   When the sun comes up in Korea,   Love lasts forever   When the sun comes up in Korea   The sun goes down in America   When the sun comes up in Korea   Games are forever
  • Cin辛夷:这首歌在日本打歌时期服装还是看得过去的 怎么韩国的打歌服如此的···= =[笑哭]