


  • 陪卷小土豆:实不相瞒,我是从4.1号一直看到今天的,每天都在看,按照计划来看的,就是老师有语法,写作,学习方法,词汇来。 以前老师总是说21天形成好习惯。我现在看了差不多40来天,真的觉得第二天不看老师视频,总是很难受不舒服,一定要看,哪怕今天就看一个视频,也会巴适一些。 我现在回过头来,真的比起4.1号的我,跟现在的我,真的觉得已经拉开档次。有时候我也会在老师评论区去看看有没有小伙伴里留言的问题,老师没有回复,我就尝试去回复一下。以前还真的对英语想法认知就是背单词,刷题,然后拿个错题本记住错题。以前高中的时候,我经常问老师语法问题,后来老师就不耐烦了,说语法完全不重要,背单词和刷题才是重点。那个老师我记得是个双学位的老师,就是教英语又教化学又教物理,估计是很厉害的学霸。当时我觉得很郁闷,我觉得语法挺重要的,不会语法,怎么看得懂一篇文章,连个句子结构都不会分析,你让我们这些学生就一头扎进题海里面,能有啥效果。那时我也尝试自己去琢磨语法,毕竟能力有限,时间不足问题,就放弃了。 现在看了老师一整套的语法讲解和系统框架,真觉得做题和以前做题思路都完全不一样,认知也不一样,正确率明显上去了。总之,继续努力把嘻嘻
  • 卡点超腻害:1. Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That’s _____ the best jobs are. A. Where B. what C. when D. why 2. Having checked the doors were closed, and _______ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom. A. Why B. that C. when D. where 3. It is uncertain ______ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. A. That B. what C. how D. whether 4. It is not always easy for the public to see ______ use a new invention can be of to human life. A. Whose B. what C. which D. that
  • 钮枯禄大西瓜皮子:高级题就是笑嘻嘻进来...被教育的服服帖帖地离开[笑哭]
  • 卡点超腻害:5. His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to make out _______ it is he is trying to expree. A. That B. how C. who D. what 6. As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose ______ suits you best. A. Whatever B. whichever C. whenever D. wherever 7. I truly believe _______ beauty comes from within. A. That B. where C. what D. why 8. _______ Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but some won’t accept it. A. That B. why C. where D. how
  • Viccccccky:哈哈哈想听凄惨爱情故事!