【英文翻唱】枕边童话 全程押韵搞起来 一杯敬小鹿 一杯敬女巫-【英文翻唱】枕边童话 全程押韵搞起来 一杯敬小鹿 一杯敬女巫



  • 钟离_尘世闲游_Morax:明明很好听嘛,有种空灵的童音感,很适合童话[爱心]
  • 瓦塔西negi:虽然但是打了一下歌词(没有恶意!!!) 可能会有错误毕竟英语水平有限 打扰到了立刻删评! (夸夸up唱歌好好听词也填的好好,发现宝藏了! In between the story book. Hiden a fairy dressed in blue. When a little girl pours out her worried heart to. A fawn lost in the woods. With a witch,rabbit and a duke. And there goes the tale with a clue. The sun shines through the night gloom. Where she waltged under in her red shoes. But look,are there whispers of woes. When the moonlight told the rose to. Juck her thouns to let the child through. On his journey to follow the flute. You are the princess in the tales book. Full of brightness and good. I'll masquerade as your prince. Dressed in black tunic and cloak. And will you let me hold your hands. And dance till morning dew. For the sunrise will end it all too soon.
  • 谜之小年糕:哈哈哈哈哈哈好可爱 开头满满求生欲
  • 迷茫的鳄鱼:下次可以用普通字体做字幕吗,小可爱。艺术字歪歪斜斜的,英语好的不需要看,英语差的看不懂,因为还没反应过来就跳过去了
  • 三生小花花qwq:这感觉,童话里的小精灵唱歌[打call]