


  • 喝奶茶的小饼干:Good morning, welcome to the English test of postgraduate entrance examination. There will be several questions you’ll need to answer in English, is that ok? So before we get started, can you just give me a brief introduction of yourself? 1. Ok so, firstly, I really would like to know why you chose our university for your postgraduate study, can you explain? 2. So the next question, what are you really interested in us? Why you chose this major as your postgraduate study? Like what motivated you to make this decision? 3. I guess you have already noticed this year we have a really fierce competition, so please convince me, or give me some reasons to explain why you think you are better than your peers? And do you think you are capable to cope with your independent study program?
  • 喝奶茶的小饼干:4. I also would like to know what’s your plan in the next three years if you’re admitted in our postgraduate program. 5. Well, can you tell me something about your bachelor school and what impressed you the most during your bachelor’s study? 6. Ok the last question, what do you think it’s biggest shortcoming? Ok it’s English part.
  • 月咏樱舞:1为啥选这学校,2这专业,3你比起其他人有什么优势and你认为自己能胜任学术研究吗,4接下来几年你的计划5介绍你的本科学校,对你影响最大的是什么6你最大的缺点是什么 第3和第5后面那句听不太清楚
  • 所爱都有的我:简短介绍你自己,选这个学校考研是为啥,为什么选这个专业,是什么促使你全选的,这几年考研竞争激烈你凭啥认为你比你同龄人牛逼,你觉得你有能力胜任你选的研究项目吗,接下来三年研究生计划,介绍你的本科学校,以及本科期间印象最深刻的事,你最大的缺点
  • 骑着小猪看faker:听懂是听懂了,英文咋回答呀