喵影-我的影片-【高清修复】卡朋特《Yesterday Once More》1973年现场视频+替换高品质音轨



  • 水果樱桃:初中英语老师在课间用多媒体放给我们听,当时播放器还用的千千静听
  • 没有勇气拥抱你:八年级,我们英语老师给我们放了这首歌,曾经抱怨过为什么听这么老的歌,不能听一些有激情的吗?后来知道这是她最喜欢的英语歌。现在到了九年级,从班主任口中得知她得了恶性肿瘤,她虽然不教我们了,但继续奋斗在教学一线,每当我听见这首歌,我总会想起她,愿她安好!
  • 中年油腻小熊猫:跨越半个世纪的经典,现在的高中生们也会听吧。
  • sober冰:When I was young I listen to the radio Waiting for my favorite songs When they played I sing along It made me smile Those were such happy times And not so long ago How I wondered where they gone But they back again Just like a long lost friend All the songs I loved so well
  • 关山越_:When I was young (当我小时候) I'd listen to the radio (聆听收音机) Waiting for my favorite songs (等待着我最喜欢的歌曲) When they played I'd sing along (当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱) It made me smile (我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑) Those were such happy times (那时的时光多么幸福) and not so long ago (且它并不遥远) How I wondered (我记不清) where they'd gone (它们何时消逝) But they're back again (但是它们再次回访) just like a long lost friend (让一个久无音讯的老朋友) All the songs I love so well (所有我喜爱万分的歌曲) Every shalala every wo'wo (每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo) still shines (仍然光芒四射) Every shing-a-ling-a-ling (每一个shing-a-ling) that they're starting to sing (每一个他们开始唱的) so fine (都如此悦耳) When they get to the part (当他们唱到他) where he's breaking her heart (让她伤心之处) It can really make me cry (我哭泣) just like before (像从前那样) It's yesterday once more (昨日重现) Shoobie do lang lang (无比惆怅) Shoobie do lang lang (无比惆怅) Looking back on (回首往事) how it was in years gone by (回望曾经) And the good times that I had (幸福时光) makes today seem rather sad (今日已沧海桑田) So much has changed