inthefirst横-In the first place:一个典型的容易似懂非懂的词



  • 张大开:适合给佟湘玉用,“我从一开始就不该嫁过来”
  • 果子狸kkggbb:我感觉有“本来就,本应该”的意思……
  • 我组我:个人的感受就有种“打一开始出”这样的意思。打一开始出你就不想结婚,因为打一开始来你的脑子就是问题的所在
  • 梁海初:[思考]这词感觉不一定要严格对应着译出来,它的功能是指明句子中的逻辑关系,那么中译时(理解时)把这层关系梳理清晰就好。
  • Mary平安顺遂不卑不亢:Great friends pretend nothing happened in the first place. Schizophrenia is degenerative. Some days maybe symptom-free, but over time, you are getting worse. It's a problem. That's all it is. It's a problem with no solution. And that's what I do, I solve problems. This isn't math. You can't come up with a formula to change the way you experience the world. All I have to do is to apply my mind. There's no theorem, no proof. You can't reason your way out of this. Why not? Why can't I? Because your mind is where the problem is in the first place. Why have you come here? I've got to get you back. You don't want me back. You never wanted to be married in the first place. He could kill us all. Wait a minute. How would Stryker even know where to find Cerebro in the first place? But if he knew the knife could be identified, why did he leave it there in the first place?