


  • 紫不語:Good morning, if you ask a Chinese friend of yours to make a list of their favorite Chinese characters, I'm sure that there would be this one character, even among the TOP5, I guess. It's “和” in Chinese and it represents “harmony” in English. So, it's not surprising if you see expressions like “a peaceful family will prosper”, which is a widespread and famous saying in China, framed and hung on the wall of a family not only as a decoration, but also as a family belief. In fact, the word “harmony” is deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture and it can even be traced back to ancient times. Think about heaven-and-man harmony, heaven is nature and man is an integral part of it. And the relationship between heaven and man should be harmonious, coexistent and one. People in ancient China have already realized the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with the environment. That's why they had rituals to worship the gods for good weather and for rich food.
  • 番茄何绵羊:总有人做着自己想都不敢想的事
  • 托福哥:教科书浪漫主义是外研社杯的最爱
  • 小松果啊果:感觉现在的很多后浪提到英语只会评价口音好,口音坏。[思考]
  • Jack-小虫:我还是喜欢清华吴彦祖