Screen Recording 2020-05-19 at 10.38.51-Vol.97经济学人+笔记音频总结在哪儿找|一篇关于应用程序的分析|单词表达+背景知识|国家一级译员+全国口译大赛一等奖



  • 濒危野生少年:我回去把前面所有的视频都赞了一遍聊表寸心
  • Kate你今天背单词了吗:Governments pinning their hopes on contract-tracing apps should tread carefully. Here are some reasons. First, the apps without safeguards can mislead citizens. Second, coverage is one complication that just few countries are up to 60% of people to use the apps, and the number is lower among the elderly. Third, accuracy is an issue because human bodies impede transmission besides distance. Moreover, the apps themselves might change behavior, and privacy must be weighed against transparency. Therefore, governments should be extra cautious about high-tech software, just as they’re with pills and potions. 还剩最后3天!冲鸭!
  • 默笛yz:#100Day Notes: pin one's hope on→rely heavily on cut corners→cut off corners→do things in the easiest,quickest and most efficient way row→quarrel,dispute keep tabs on→control,curb,contain→keep sth in the palm complication 【C】→hurdle,difficulty,obstacle calibrate→make minor adjustments to make sth work well stream of→a huge amount of hold sway over→control over,dominate
  • 晴空侍卫:我赞了,你们随意[调皮]
  • Tony刘老师:超棒的!