


  • 捷多-亚西塔:这部动画的黑历史就是第五季换了工作室结果在画风疯狂翻车,不过剧情上保持在了漫改动画第二的排行榜上【第一名是蝙蝠侠tas】,这部动画还是不错的这第五季画风忍忍就过去了【因为还见过更糟的画风】
  • Mark北风:Jean, first in my heart. 琴,我心目中的第一位 Your courage allowed you to see things no other human ever has. 你的勇气让你的视野境界无人能及 Yet remain the same innocent child I met so very long ago. 但你依然是我当年初见你时那个纯真孩子 “The friends thou hast and their adoption tried,” “相知有素的朋友” “grapple them to thy soul with hopes of steel.” “应该用钢圈箍在你的灵魂上” Scott...Were I your father, I would tell you 斯科特...如果我是你父亲,我会跟你说 that no truer son could ever be. 世界上没有比你更忠诚的儿子 I am proud. 我好自豪 Pround of you all, 我为你们大家都感到自豪 my X-men. 我的X战警
  • Mark北风:It seems I have quite an audience. 看来有好多人在陪伴我 Thank you all. 谢谢你们大家 I'm grateful to have the chance to say goodbye. 我好欣慰有机会跟大家道别 Morph, it is nice to see you home. 千面人,好高兴看到你回家 In facing your fears, 你能直面你的恐惧 you have proven yourself turly an X-man. 你就证明了你自己是真正的X战警 Gambit, how often must the scoundrel prove himself a hero, 牌皇,你这个浪子还要证明自己多少回 before he believes it himself? 才肯相信你自己本来就是个英雄? Jubilee, you are the future. 欢欢,你就是未来 When I look at your face, I see hope. 每当我看到你的面容,我就看到希望 Storm, my beautiful Storm, 暴风女,我美丽的暴风女 mighty as a hurricane, gentle as a summer rain. 强劲如飓风,柔和似夏雨 You honor me with your friendship. 做你的挚友是我的荣幸 Wolverine, loner, 金刚狼,特立独行之人 you have found a family. 你找到了一个家 Wild savage, you have found dignity. 你狂暴野蛮,却找到了高尚品德 Cynic, you have found faith. 你愤世嫉俗,却找到了不渝信念 Rogue, unable to touch, yet look around you. 小淘气,不能触摸他人,但看看你的身边 You will find you have touched us all. 你会发现你早已触动了我们大家
  • 德比西魔虫:这部剧跟国内引进且许多人知道的94年蜘蛛侠还有联动
  • 大三木:第五季!up 主威武!!!