ig song(1)-Madilyn's Music | 用疫情期间的评论写首歌吧,就叫《想念我的朋友》吧!



  • pioneer丨大白:麦姐每次都能用评论和黑粉写歌,比某雷的雷人词好了几w倍
  • 一个路过の虾饺咯:啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,wsl[doge]
  • _默海:第一! 太好听了吧![委屈] See U in September!!!
  • 超爱滴哟:这首歌好欢快!!虽然很想念朋友,但是却不抱怨!!反而让大家一起欢乐!!这就是麦姐吗!!i了i了![打call](吹爆这首歌的调调)
  • 一瞥翩跹影惊鸿:歌词: running,dancing,writing baking endless amounts of desserts reading,cleaning,eating,sleeping,dancing I'm so clumsy that it's always pretty funny for myself when I'm dancing streaming,cooking,painting,meditation. singing,drawing,gardening,playing pubg,watching movies,surfing in YouTube. painting n sharing memes.getting depressed.crying.kul. doing puzzles!running and binging Tiger King! remember friends?they were fun. but now you're gone. more time but less motivation. I can't remember the last time I went out. why is everyone obsessed with animal crossing right now? I'm staying up till 3am and sleeping in till noon. got dressed up just to sit in my living room. I miss my friends,toilet papper,overpriced coffee,go get a burger. I'm gonna kiss my moom and hug someone the second that this thing is done. I miss my friends,toilet papper.toilet papper! A mask on my face,a mask on my hair. Knowing everything is soon gonna be okay. Talk to the mirror and laugh.
