Learn 15 Common English Idioms (With Examples) (subs)-15个常用英文俚语



  • Larryisthesun:这次当回课代表嘿嘿[大笑] 1. hit the books 努力学习 2. cut corners 走捷径 3. a drop in the ocean 所做的事情微不足道 4. Actions speak louder than words.比起言语,行动更重要 5.to be a good catch (about relationships 你在约会的人真的很不错 6.beat around the bush 说话不讲重点 7. I couldn't care less. 你不在乎 8.drive someone up the wall 使人抓狂 9.go down in flames (一切)都结束了 10.judge a book by its cover 通过外表判断别人 11.make a long story short三言两语解释事情 12.miss the bullet 错过机会 13.sit on the fence保持中立 14.when pigs fly 这件事情不会发生
  • 葡萄树下的Emma:1.hit the books - study hard 2.cut corners - do something in the easiest and cheapest 3.a drop in the ocean - action compared to the whole thing is small 4.action speak louder than worlds - act important to say 5.to be a good catch - dating somebody really nice,worth to get married 6.beat around the bush - slowing things down and not getting to the point 7.I couldn’t care less - don’t really care 8.drive someone up the wall - make someone crazy 9.go down in the flames - end suddenly and completely 10.judge a book by its cover - judge a person based on she looking or wearing. 11.make a long story short - getting straight to the point. 12.miss the boat - miss the opportunity 13.sit on the fence - in the middle,staying neutral 14.when pigs fly - something will never happen
  • 钻被窝子猫:6:25-错失良机 应为miss the boat 右边指引写着“miss the bullet” 希望作者看到我🙌🏼 大家看到不要记错啦 看到好几个野生课代表 总结都是“miss the bullet”
  • RebeccaMann:1.hit the books 努力学习 2.cut corners 走捷径 3.a drop in the ocean 做的事微不足道 4.actions speak louder than words 比起言语 行动更重要 5.to be a good catch 你在约会的对象挺不错 6.beat around the bush 说话不说重点 给你很多不必要的信息 7.I couldn’t care less 我不在乎 8.drive someone up the wall 使人抓狂 9.go down in flames 一切都消失了 结束了 10.judge a book by its cover 通过外表判断别人 11.make a long story short 三言两语解释 不深入细节 12.miss the bullet 错过机会 13.sit on the fence 保持中立 14.when pigs fly 这件事不会发生 [OK][OK][OK][OK][OK][OK][OK] 第一当课代表 又听了一遍也是只有14个[妙啊]
  • 安予月十:提供一些其他的中文翻译,更地道一些 1. hit the books 努力学习 2. cut corners 走捷径 3. a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟/微不足道 4. Actions speak louder than words 行胜于言 5.to be a good catch 般配 6.beat around the bush 绕圈子 7. I couldn't care less 我不在乎 8.drive someone up the wall 使人抓狂 9.go down in flames 付之一炬/毁于一旦 10.judge a book by its cover 以貌取人 11.make a long story short 长话短说 12.miss the boat 错失良机 13.sit on the fence 不偏不倚(中立)/脚踏两只船 14.when pigs fly 决不可能