


  • 礼崩乐坏丶:我搜了一下Grand Dad Revive那个同人重置的官网,他们已经在2019年宣布暂时停止制作了: “Hello, everyone. Unfortunately, we bring sad news today. We've come to a collective decision to temporarily freeze the development of the game. We're sad and outraged as much as you are, but there were reasons for it: -Some of our vital team members couldn't continue working on the game, primarily because of several life opportunities and the necessity of personal growth. -The scope of the game was too big. It's something that we've underestimated and which is a common thing, that quickly makes the whole game shatter if other problems start to pile up. -We, unfortunately, couldn't get enough programmers to realize what we've had in mind for the game. Not only that, but our only active programmer was hired by an indie-dev studio, largely thanks to GDMR, which in turn harmed the game.” 大致原因就是主要人员要上班,最初预计的工作量和实际情况不符,还有程序员人手不够。
  • 小熊猫-黑白元素:谨以此诗献给我们伟大的电视玛琍~~   电视玛琍,最强游戏,   红白机界,数他第一。   不用蘑菇,顶天立地,   不靠星星,自会无敌。   强于忍龙,胜过TwinBee,   拳打怪鸭,脚踹Mappy。   成龙踢馆,反被他踢,   影子传说,由他传记。   沙罗曼蛇,对他没戏,   魂斗罗惊,双截龙泣,   外星战将,颜面扫地,   重装机兵,望风而匿。   也会操控,加纳战机,   也会使用,人间兵器。   忍者神龟,为其卖命,   热血国夫,是他小弟。   杀戮战场,他是主役,   铁板阵前,无畏无惧。   魔界村中,任他嬉戏,   水下八关,任他游历。   恶魔城内,随意来去,   唬走西蒙,吓跑老D。   机械堡里,翻天覆地,   打倒洛克,抓走威利。   中东战争,是他挑起,   希魔复活,是他主意。   赤色十月,是他追击,   古巴战士,是他击毙。   勇者一出,恶龙来袭,   电玛一出,吞食天地。   他日若遇,电视玛琍,   关机保命,勿忘切记! (这个梗混过以前的fc吧的朋友们可能会知道,我小学时候看到的,印象很深)
  • 桐的梦:我不是白嫖怪,但是我以已经没币了,点赞表示敬意(话说不考虑找独翼神龙合作吗)[热词系列_爱了爱了]
  • ZYH:12分30秒 2007年的当事人就在这里。 这算是互联网亚文化的早期对外输出么[妙啊]
  • 超级单体:百度FC贴吧……[笑哭][笑哭][笑哭] 想起来,早在2005年我就常活跃在这个贴吧。 现在已经很久很久很久没去看看。 西坡,白狂龙这些始祖级大佬好像也很久没上线了。 [笑哭][笑哭][笑哭]被UP勾起了青春岁月的回忆……