I Am With You- l At Home With Olaf-冰雪奇缘全新片段雪宝演唱"I Am With You"(我与你同在)



  • llloading:第19集经费消失的原因找到了[doge]
  • 彩蜡蜡:大老板:反正自己家的片段随便用我不怕版权
  • 番茄头总裁:开头真正的 kingdom of isolation
  • 番茄头总裁:I am with you with this letter I am with you with this song I am with you when you laugh at something silly I did wrong Who cares about our where's about I'm here and you are there But I'm with you and I care I am with you as I write this and I'm thinking of you now And you're with me though you're somewhere else and I can tell you how Forget the notion that an ocean’s keeping you from me I am with you emotionly I wish there was a looking glass that we could see each other through Maybe one day they'll discover it and you'll see me and I'll see you But till they do I am with you with this music I am with you with this rhyme I am with you if you need me any moment any time Just close your eyes and picture us what is it you see I am with you and you're with me
  • 雨依曦:这集确定不是用唱歌的借口秀版权的嘛[热词系列_知识增加]