001tgOdQlx07zc6gcEa401041202mSyJ0E010-How to Answer Job Interview Questions in English 找工作的时候一些常用的



  • Hexi_Lily:“Creativity is very important to me, and I’ve always wanted work in an environment where I can innovate and find my own solutions to challenges. I also feel that your company will continue to evolve in the future, and I like the idea of contributing to that development.” The candidate all 4 words, but he does reference all 4 ideas. M: Let’s do another example. Imagine you’re plan to a company with describe yourself as commanding respect, “long history” “great communication skills” “ passion for helping others” “Why should we hire you?”
  • Hexi_Lily:M: Again, the candidate doesn’t necessarily use the words directly, but he does reference all 4 of the ideas. Be careful if you use mirroring, you don’t want to sound like a robot. This is why you sometimes need to change words and phrases slightly, instead of repeating them again and again. Now, you’ve seen 4 effective techniques you can use to give better answers to job interview questions in English. Remember, be concise, use signposting language, use the “STAR method” to structure longer answers, and mirror key words and phrases. We hope it was useful, good luck if you have a job interview coming up soon.
  • Hexi_Lily:“I believe that great customer service starts with good communication, which is a strength of mine. I also think that in customer service, you need to care about what you’re doing. I care about helping others and as such I believe you’ll find me to be a respectful and effective member who can fit with the established traditions of your company.”
  • Hexi_Lily:W: Mirroring have several benefits: 1、 It keeps your answers focused. By using the same words and phrases, your answer will be relevant. 2、 More importantly, it shows the interviewer that you’re listening and that you care about the questions and the company. Mirroring is powerful, we unconsciously when mirroring people when we like or respect them. Using mirroring consciously will help to make a better impression.
  • Hexi_Lily:M: You should start by researching the company you applying to. How did they describe themselves. Well adjectives do they use on their website or in their advertising. Also, read the advertise carefully, pay attention to the words they use to the describe the candidates they are looking for, use these words in your answers. Let’s think about this question: “Why do you want this job?” Imagine you’re plan to a company with describe yourself as innovative, forward-looking. In the job advertising, they said they want somebody who is creative and flexible. W: Here’s a good sample.