1. Greetings, Introduction-实用英语|日常交流



  • 天才啪啪啪啪:救命呀,我想要字幕啊!
  • 桃小桃tst:字幕-2:I’m glad Kevin found the right hobby. I’m not really sure if he likes the book club or … Olivia. Anyways, what about you, John? Which club will you join? Hmmm. Science is the answer. I will join a science club. That’s a great idea, but I heard it’s really tough. You need to work on many projects, and plus, the teacher is really strict. Umm… I just changed my mind. I will probably join a photography club. Oh, really? That’s a great idea! Please take an awesome picture of me when you become a pro. Yep yep!
  • 木子为糖1003:大三学生学的很开心[OK]
  • 第431只浣熊:字幕:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OMq1VPvNPxB4vJDGkBoXng
  • 桃小桃tst:字幕-1:Hey guys, did you decide which club to join? Not yet! I still have no idea. Think about what you like to do for fun. What are your hobbies? I just have too many hobbies! I love taking photographs, and even making and collecting Jet model figures! Oh, and I also love cooking, watching science fiction movies, skateboarding and … John, just pick one of them. Why do I need to choose one? There are too much fun in this world. What’s your hobby, Olivia? I enjoying reading travel books. So I signed up for a book club. Did you want to join the club with me? I actually love reading comic books. Well, a comic book is a type of book. That’s perfect. Let’s sign up for it. It will be awesome! All right, fine. Let’s go now!