


  • 您已经躺平:听以下对话,并判断出该段对话出自哪个任务: More helicopters! Big guy! Coming soon! And so on... Who are these people? Are you fucking kidding me? Evan sent a kill squad against you! Oh, shit He must have used the time to build up his army and air force... Waiting for us to kill Bogdan so we can take power! Let computer algorithms control everything! Do you see these people? Hell, are they clones? He cloned himself? I don't know. I can't tell the difference. It looks like they're all hooked up to some kind of neural network or something... We meet the Bionicle Corps, which is connected to the superbrain, Trying to get rid of us! I don't like it. It's great... IAA's network is down... Is...... It's Clifford! He's taken over the network! You know what he can do with the IAA network! The consequences could not be imagined! That doesn't happen when you rob a bank! I mean, robbing a bank, when you get stabbed in the back by your greedy, stupid best friend...
  • 你厉害我给你大拇哥:怎么没有高跟鞋里的挑逗语言[吃瓜]
  • Dmitri_Yazof:和谐的那段时5代里面审问K先生的那段吧
  • 老马啊老马啊啊啊啊啊:我只记得All we had to do is follow the damn train CJ !
  • RayYML:第一题真不确定,第二题第三题算是毫无压力,最后一题听枪声频率就知道是什么了