#33 Dragon Boat Festival and its tragic origins (Hello China )-英语学习中国文化100集 第33集 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival



  • 日立rli:第三十三集 端午节 In ancient time, there was a great poet called Quyuan. He couldn't bear the anguish when his mother land was invaded. So he drowned himself in the river. Local residents rode boats to salvage and drop the rice balls into the river to distract fishes' attention from Qu's body. later people memorialized Qu's patriotism by rowing and making Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival, Duanwujie. That' how the tradition of dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi were started. A nation practice on Duanwujie is to put wormwood on the front door to repel evil things. In some places people drink realgar wine and children wear sachet. Now the family gets together on Duanwujie. Nowadays people have a variety of other actives to celebrate this traditional festival
  • _梨璃溧_:感谢up