[4K修复] Red (CMA Awards 2013)-【Taylor Swift】[4K修复] Red (CMA Awards 2013)



  • 肌肉猛楠楠楠子:让我看看今天巷子里又堵了几辆马萨拉蒂[脱单doge]
  • 不羁正太sdfs:在座的六个人得的格莱美加起来超过50座了
  • folkloreputation:村里大佬们都很关爱霉的!这场真的很有意义,蓝调大佬们送霉出村[大哭]感动
  • 达芬奇的助理:霉霉啥时候回村看看吧,有点受不了霉霉大都市的流行歌了[doge]
  • 卡布一米八:Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street 爱他就像是开着一辆崭新的玛莎拉蒂冲进死胡同 Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly 比风还迅速 罪恶般热情 转瞬消失 Loving him is like trying to change your mind 爱上他 就像自我放逐后 once you're already flying through the free fall 才改变决定 Like the colors in autumn, so bright, just before they lose it all 像深秋的颜色 如此明亮 在所有美景消失前,Losing him was blue, like I've never known 我从未想过失去他会如此伤心 Missing him was dark grey, all alone 思念他 像是孤单的深灰色 Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 忘记他 像是试着假装认识一个陌生人 But loving him was red 爱着他 就是红色 Loving him was red 爱着他 是红色的 Touching him was like realizing 触摸他 All you ever wanted was right there in front of you 就像梦寐以求的一切就在眼前 Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song 纪念他 就像记起老歌歌词一样简单 Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword 与他争吵 就像解开文字谜般 And realizing there's no right answer 没有正确答案